NewgTLDsite.com创始人和传播者Thomas Gilles正号召会讲中文,具有中国文化背景以及在商业上与中国保持紧密联系的人们在一份阻止西方公司垄断中文顶级域名和网址的请愿书上签字。因为亚马逊正试图对中国公民和中国公司关闭以“.家電”,“.書籍”,“.通販”和“.食品”结尾的新域名的使用。请愿组织者以及NewgTLDsite创始人,有着'NotCom Tom' 的称号的Gilles在此提出:“我们相信亚马逊的申请被批准的话,这将是不幸的。中国的商务乃至文化都将因此被规避在外,中国的百姓和企业将坐失中文顶级域名能为他们带来的巨大的发展机遇。”互联网名称与数字地址分配机构(ICANN)正是负责管理互联网域名系统(DNS)的组织。ICANN监督所有的互联网地址,包括“.cn”、“.com”以及其他地址。仅在2012年,ICANN就接受了超过1900项新顶级域名的注册申请,这些申请包括各种与“.cn”和“.com”一样功能齐全的网站地址。与此同时,以通用汉字域名首次出现。上述的顶级域名申请中还包括中国品牌、省会名称、地名等作为域名的申请(例如:“.盛貿飯店”、“.中信”、 “.广东”、“.佛山”)以及其他顶级域名的申请。请愿组织者在此希望通过此份已有100,000份签字的“保护互联网域名公开自由”的请愿书,在change.org谨向ICANN提出呼吁,并希望该请求能在2013年4月北京ICANN会议之前得到受理。被称为'Notcom'的 Tom在此向中国的同仁们发出倡议:“您是否愿意让像‘.家電’、‘.書籍’、‘.通販’、 以及‘.食品’这样的互联网域名成为只有亚马逊才可以使用的域名呢?如果您不愿意,请在下面英文请愿书上签名,并将它E-mail到tomg@newgtldsite.com。
我们的目的是阻止这种垄断行为, 中国的同胞们,请签名及电邮到tomg@newgtldsite.com抗议吧!
下面是英文请愿信!To: tomg@newgtldsite.comThe Board and Government Advisory Committee of ICANN
I strongly urge ICANN to reject New Top Level Domain applications for words that represent a broad market sector or have broad use and meaning, and that for which the applicant has no trademark rights and is proposing a closed registry business model.I do so for the following reasons:1.Closed generic word registries defeat the mission and purpose of ICANN, The New gTLD Program and are not consistent with the Affirmation of Commitments with the U.S. Dept of Commerce.2.Closed broad market generic registries are harmful to the public interest in that they will restrict freedom of expression, innovation, opportunity and will result in unfair competition in the market sectors represented by the TLD.The purpose of the New gTLD Program as stated on the ICANN New gTLD site, "is to promote competition in the domain name market.". Two of ICANN's Core Values:"[f]. Introduce and promote competition in the registration of domain names where practicable and beneficial.[g]. Where feasible, depend on market mechanisms to promote and sustain a competitive environment."From the Affirmation of Committments:"3. This document affirms key commitments by DOC and ICANN, including commitments to: (a) ensure that decisions made related to the global technical coordination of the DNS are made in the public interest and are accountable and transparent; (b) preserve the security, stability and resiliency of the DNS; (c) promote competition, consumer trust, and consumer choice in the DNS marketplace; . ."The ICANN New gTLD Program was initiated to bring much needed competition to the end user domain name marketplace. Closed generic word registries defeat these purposes and are harmful to the public interest. By their definition, closed registries do not add supply and choice to the end user market for domain names. They will exert no pressure on pricing in the domain name marketplace.There is great potential for public harm in the form of restricting freedom of expression and innovation as well as unfair competition in industries represented by a TLD.In a world where the right of the dot helps users to identify relevant content on the web; where short descriptive domain names using a generic address ending could be available, there will be no equal substitute to .APP for an app developer or promoter. There will be no equal substitute to .SALON for a brick and mortar salon business. The same will be true for each industry or topic related to every generic word top level domain. .MUSIC domain names should be available for anyone involved in the music industry, or simply lovers of music to use as an address on the world wide web.No single company or organization should be sole arbiter of all possible uses of domain names under the .music TLD. The same is true for all topical category generic word top level domains.For non-latin character sets in languages such as Chinese and Japanese, closed registries for .クラウド (.CLOUD), .ストア (.STORE) .セール (.SALE), .ファッション (.FASHION), .家電 (.ELECTRONICS), .書籍 (.BOOK), .通販 (.MailOrder), .食品 (.FOOD) will place entire cultural identities at risk. There will be loss of opportunity for people and business in that native language to express, pursue and flourish in top level namespaces designed for them. This should not be allowed.New Top Level Domains for generic words that define broad markets or topics, and have many possible uses and applications such as .app, .blog, .music, .shop, .ファッション, .食品 and others should be open for registration and use by the broad public, not controlled and exploited by one organization exclusively. I urge you to disqualify and reject all TLD applications that seek to close generic word registries to public use.
Sincerely, [签名]